Meet our 2023-2024 PTO Board and Committee Chairs

Our PTO board is made up of four positions, as required by the bylaws: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Positions are two-year terms and elections are held at the end of every school year as needed.

As we grow, new positions such as event and sponsorship chairs may be created.


Helen Kim, President

Helen is a parent of 1st and 3rd graders and has been a part of the MCP community for three years. Helen loves California Native Plants!

Judy Campbell, Vice President

Judy is a parent of 3rd and 5th graders. Her older children also attended MCP.

Alexandra Safford, Treasurer

Alex is a parent to a 3rd grader, and a younger son who will join MCP in 2024. 

Being on the PTO has helped me to feel a part of my kiddo’s school environment.

Carmen Soto, Secretary

Carmen is a parent to a 3rd grader and a 1 year old. 

Hablo Español! I like gardening, learning how to swim, and mentorship. 

Mariam Jimenez, Room Parent Lead

Mariam is a parent of a 2nd grader and has been a part of the MCP community for two years. Mariam loves to travel and organize events.

Join the team

We are always looking for people to organize events and activities!